Quality and sustainability
Pentronic's sustainability work
Pentronic’s greatest contribution to the environment is our products and our knowledge. We contribute to a more sustainable world by continually working to reduce our customers’ environmental impact.
By offering our customers expertise and the right choice of products, we help to find long-term, energy-saving solutions, which in turn optimise our customers’ processes and increase their efficiency.
At Pentronic, we believe that a sustainable approach is a prerequisite for long-term profitability.
Systematic sustainability work not only contributes to a better world; it also has the potential to create new business opportunities and reduce our costs. We achieve this by investing in long-term collaborative partnerships to develop sustainable solutions for our customers, working actively to create a better environment and health for our employees, and taking systematic steps to reduce our own environmental impact.
We run our business in a responsible way by focusing on areas that make the greatest impact on people and the environment. Our ambition is to be a leader in the creation of environmentally sound, energy-efficient solutions for our customers and to create a safe and stable work climate for our employees. We are continually striving to reduce our use of chemicals that damage health and the environment and to make more efficient use of resources in our manufacturing processes.
Code of conduct
Pentronic's operates according to the following principles. We also expect our suppliers to adhere to the same requirements and ambitions:
- Legal compliance - Our work abides with applicable laws and regulations
- Good ethics - We operate in an ethical manner and we shall conduct legally sound business practises in all respects
- Meaningful stakeholder dialogue - We shall conduct our business through a meaningful dialogue with our employees, our business partners and with other stakeholder who affect and are affected by our operations
- Employee responsibility - Our employees are to comply with Pentronic's principles and take responsibility both for their own behaviour and for our products and services
If you want to know more, you are welcome to read Indutrade's Code of Conduct, which fully covers Pentronic's business
Quality- and environmental management systems
Pentronic is certified according:
Quality management sytem ISO 9001
Quality certificate
Environmental management system
ISO 14001
Environment certificate
Accreditation ISO 17025
Accreditation certificate
Pentronic works according to the following principles:
Quality policy
Environmental policy
Conflict minerals policy
Personal data policy
Product- and branch approvals
Pentronic has the following product approvals:

3A - American sanitary standard
A number of Pentronic's thermowells have been approved by the American Standard "3-A Sanitary Standards 74-07, sensors and sensor fittings and connections".
The approval applies to the implementation of weld-in as well as Tri-Clamp (TC) sensor fittings. Where appropriate the symbol of the 3-A approval will be shown in our datasheets.
3A Certificate

Marine approvals
Pentronic has classified a number of thermocouples and Pt100 sensors for marine applications.

Pentronic are certified for manufacturing of explosoin-proof temperature sensors in accordance to Ex d and manufactures several certified models of Pt100-sensors and Thermocouple for Ex-environment. The products are found in our product listing.
EU-type examination certificate
Information about SIL-approvals
Temperature sensors per se are not covered by SIL
This means that the temperature sensor cannot be independently certified according to SIL (Safety Integrity Level).
An assessment of the SIL level is only possible if the temperature sensor is connected to a transmitter.
Read more ...
Information about EHEDG
In 2005, a number of Pentronic's temperature sensor constructions were tested and approved by DTU (Danish Technological Institute) according to the requirements of EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group). The approval meant that the sensor construction is considered to be well-suited for mounting in pipes and tanks where so-called CIP (Cleaning In Place, normally when handling liquid food) is carried out. When cleaning the process equipment, the temperature sensor does not have to be dismantled and cleaned separately. As of March 1, 2018, EHEDG's guidelines do not allow seals that involve "metal to metal". Since said sensor designs are according to the principle "metal to metal" they can no longer be certified against EHEDG's guidelines. However, the well-proven performance and function of the designs are the same as before.
The above applies to Pt100 temperature sensors in the series 7913101, 7914101, 7960001, PAT1101 and PLT1101 when mounted in the 9025001 series.
Pentronic has the following branch approvals:

Nuclear Power
Pentronic manufactures temperature sensors for the nuclear power industry that makes its own certifications of their suppliers.
Moreover Pentronic has been inspected and certified by well-known international suppliers of nuclear power industry.
Nordic power generation
Pentronic is pre-qualified as supplier to Nordic power generation industry.
Pentronic AB does neither manufacture nor import chemical substances. Pentronic AB is well aware of:
- the requirements of EG-EEC 2006: 1907 REACH
- the list of candidates
- our obligations concerning safety data sheets as well as informing customers
Pentronic's aim is to minimize the occurrance of harmful substances. The RoHS directive, EU 2015/863, is fulfilled for products like cables, Pentronic-produced temperature sensors as well as electronics. Imported products are continuously replaced by RoHS suited ones as fast as such products are available.
Final inspection before delivery
Quality assurance of product
All temperature sensors manufactured at Pentronic are checked before delivery.
The individual test results for the temperature sensors are reported in a test certificate according to the EN 10204 3.1 standard. The serial number of the label attached to the individual sensor shows that the sensor has passed the test.
At the delivery test equipments are used whose properties are traceable to
Pentronic’s accredited laboratory. The testing procedures are elaborated by the staff of the accredited laboratory.

The delivery test contains five operations
1: Visual inspection
2: Physical dimensions
3: Measurement of output signall
4: Isolation test
5: Marking and numbering
Test certificate
All test certificates are electronically archived by Pentronic. Traceability is ensured by connecting the test result to the product's serial number.
Customized control routines
We offer calibration, testing and labeling adapted to the customer's wishes or the product's properties if it's required.

Inspection of Pt100-sensors (RTDs)

Output signal
Pt100 sensors are tested in 0 °C without outer protection tube. The result shall very well fit within the requirements, e. g. ± 0,15 °C as per IEC 60751 class A.
Electric isolation
Pentronic checks the isolation inbetween 0 C and room temperature, normally by applying 500 VDC requiring at least 1000 Mohms resistance.
IEC 60751 requires at room temperature only 10 - 100 VDC and at least 100 Mohms resistance. It should be pointed out that the isolation resistance decreases with increasing probe temperature.
Inspection of thermocouples

Output signal
Thermocouples are measured at 100 °C with the “cold junction” at 0 °C. The output signal is normally compared to the standard IEC 60584-1 class 1. For thermocouple types K and N this means a tolerance of ± 1,5 °C at 100 °C.
Electric isolation
The isolation test, when applicable, is performed in room temperature and is suited to the sheath diameter, D, of the thermocouple. See table below. Pentronic’s isolation test normally fulfills the demands of the IEC 61515.
Requirements of isolation are also specified by the ASTM E608 (2000) but this standard uses lower voltages and requires lower resistances. It should be pointed out that the insulation resistance decreases with increasing temperature.
Accredited calibration of temperature sensors
As a supplement Pentronic offers accredited calibration before deliver. The sensors will be delivered with a formal Accredited calibration Certificate where the traceability to the temperature scale is guarenteed.
Accredited calibration of instruments
On request instruments can be delivered including a calibration certificate from the Accredited Laboratory of Pentronic.
System calibration
We recommend so called system calibration where the instrument is connected to one or more temperature sensors. This method will reduce the measurement uncertainty of the calibration compared to individual calibration of all included parts.