Gedevelop - GFM
Glass flow meter system for the glass wool industry

Glass Fiberizing and Glass Wool Industry
All over the world manufacturers in the glass fiberizing and glass wool industry are interested to increase the quality of their products. Gedevelop has since 1987 been a leading partner for major worldwide manufacturers and provided the market with GFM (Glass Flow Measurement) systems.
The GFM system works contactless with the glass flow and data can be collected in real time and used immediately for optimum control of the manufacturing process. This reduces raw material cost and shortens downtime in production, which in turn gives higher productivity and increased profitability.
Welcome to Pentronic's new page for Gedevelop and Glass Flow Meter Systems - GFM.

GFM - Glass flow meter system

Automatic measurement of the glass flow from bushing to fiberizer
The Gedevelop glass flow meter GFM is a non contact, optical measurement system that measures the mass flow of the hot molten glass that falls from the bushing into the fiberizer.
GFM system benefits
- GFM gives product density reduction
The production is tuned to minimum excess margins reducing the average density by 2-4% - Increased spinner life
Less variation of the glass flow leads to stable fiberizer conditions and the
absence of manual pullchecks will increase the spinner life. - Quick pull change
Depending on the control system it is possible to change pull-rate under full control over the whole operating range very quickly. - Increased productivity
Less workload on fiberizer zone and product control due to reduced pullchecks and density control - Less rejects caused by poor fibre quality
Improved quality due to less fibre variations. Less variation in binder content (%) due to constant fibre flow. - Increased furnace and forehearth life
Constant pull will stabilize batch melting and forehearth conditions. Early identification of batch problems.

Glas flow measurement

The camera, which is looking at the glass stream, reads information for stream diameter and stream velocity. This information is sent to the central unit with the help of a set of configuration and calibration parameters, calculates the glass flow.
The glass flow meter enhances productivity by continuous measurement of the glass flow individually for each fiberizing unit. Connected to the bushing control, the pull can automatically be controlled within ± 0.5%.
Measuring range 50 – 2000 kg/h (110-4400 lbs/h)
Many installations worldwide have shown that the glass flow measurement is a very profitable investment with a short payback time. The GFM system is capable of handling of 1 up to 10 cameras. Extendible in your own phase.
GFM system- Central Processing Unit
All user interaction takes place through the touch screen. Normally, the actual
flow and stream temperature (option) are displayed or a flow chart is shown.
- Analogue outputs – one configurable analogue 4-20 mA output per camera
- Digital outputs – 3 relay outputs for different alarms per camera
- Camera interface module – where the primary processing of signals takes place
- Power supplies – plug-in type with overload protection
- Cabinet – the standard central unit is mounted in a 19” floor cabinet with a swing-out frame and glass door
- Dimensions 800 x 2100 x 600 mm (31.5 x 82.7 x 23.6)
The central process unit can support up to 10 cameras at the same time. Different windows in the software are controlled by a toolbar and show functions as:
- Glass Flow
- Camera configuration
- Analogue outputs configuration
- Camera calibration
- Database configuration
- Glass flow chart
- Touch screen cleaning
Remote access to the CPU with mobile phone or desktop computer.
Easy to verify exact camera position
In the manufacture of glass-wool insulation it is vital to be able to verify the position of the cameras in order to measure and control the process exactly. With our module CMM – Camera Maintenance Manager for our GFM – Glass Flow Meter System it is easy to verify that the cameras are correctly positioned.

GFM is a well-known and reliable system for measuring glass flow for the benefit of controlling the production. Yet problems can arise. A wrongly positioned camera gives less accurate readings and control of the glass. The reason is often that the camera has come out of position due to work in the bushing area.
Newer versions of the GFM are equipped with a CMM, Camera Maintenance Manager, module. The system gives information as to how the cameras are positioned laterally (aiming) and depth wise (focus). It will also detect when the front lens of the camera is dirty. The information is presented graphically through green/red bars on the system’s touchscreen, reducing the need to inspect the camera in place.
CMM also gives information about the temperature within the CPU rack and the status of the power supplies voltages. This will ensure optimal performance and extend the lifetime of the equipment.
Camera Maintenance Manager is a standard part of the GFM system upgrade kit. The CMM requires that the camera motherboards are of the surface-mounted version.
GFM camera

GFM – The camera
The air-cooled camera is designed to withstand the heat, smoke, moisture and strong magnetic fields that exist in the fiberizer area.
Pneumatic cooling
The electronics are cooled by a pneumatic cooler, which also heats the lens system to prevent condensation. The camera is designed to work in an ambient temperature up to 150°C (302°F). The air supplied to the camera is filtered through a set of filters.
Multifunctional holder
The camera holder not only keeps the camera in position but also acts as a thermal and mechanical protection. The camera slides into the holder, locks in position and is aligned towards the glass stream with the help of a row of LEDs. LEDs can be viewed through a window at the back of the camera.
Heavy-duty cabling
The prefabricated cable is supplied with heavy-duty connectors at both ends for easy connection.
GFM camera simulator
The GFM Camera Simulator allows testing of the GFM system with known input signals in place of a real camera.
By using the GFM Camera Simulator, testing can be made on the central unit and the camera cable for tracking errors.
As the test equipment simulates signals from a GFM camera, all basic functions, readings, alarms etc, can be checked.

- Simulation of parameters through checking against ideal signals
- Improved user interface makes it easy to use
- Simulates all parameters
Impact resistant aluminium casing - Power through the camera cable
- Camera temperature
- Pyrometer temperature
- Speed signals
- Diameter signals
- Edge alarm
- Temperature alarm
The following causes for errors can be detected when no signals are detected from following:
- Defective diameter interface board in the camera interface unit
- Defective bus expansion board in the computer module
- Computer data bus problem
- Defective speed interface board in the camera interface module.
- Checks signals (S1, S2 etc.)
- Defective bus expansion board in the computer module
- Computer data bus problem
- Faulty 4085 TTL in/out board in the computer module
- Faulty temperature and alarm module
Edge Alarm
- Faulty 4085 TTL in/out board in the computer module
- Faulty temperature and alarm module.
GFM system remote access

Remote access to the GFM system
By using a standardized software/server in your mobile phone or desktop computer, remote access to the GFM system is possible. This allows the production supervisor to read and change parameters in the system.
This remote way of access can be used within the plant’s Wi-Fi area or at any spot with mobile data service. For instructions on how to connect.
Upgrade kit for GFM system
The GFM system has been on the market for nearly thirty years. The concept is a success and is implemented in most glass wool manufacturing plants around the world. Over the years the system has been undergoing continuous development to adopt it to the latest technology and demands.
The GFM system with hand held terminal and printer is today an overdue version. Even though it still performs well in many plants, time may have come for replacement. A number of components used in the initial version, are no longer produced and hard to find on the replacement market. As a result possible repair is questionable.
The upgrade is solved by replacing the GFM rack with a new rack, complete with all boards. The display and printer panel will be replaced by a 19” TFT touch screen panel. The camera electronics will be replaced in each camera. All other existing parts of the GFM system can be kept intact and used as earlier.
The GFM upgrade kit brings you the following advantages:
- Increased sensitivity reading bubbles in the glass
- Minimize risk of condensation related problems in the camera
- Increased accuracy of measurement
- Improved communication interface (Operator’s Interface - HMI)
- Add-on function of CMM – Camera Maintenance Manager
With this upgrade the system will show the following information from the Operator's interface:
- Glass Flow in lbs, kg or tonnes/day
- Glass Flow charts – displays 24 h glass flow trends
- Pull check / Camera calibration
- Camera, Analogue outputs and Database configuration
- Camera positioning and rack status (see CMMbelow)
- Glass stream temperature, if pyrometers are installed
CMM - Camera Maintenance Manager
Gives information related to the position of the cameras, both laterally (aiming) and depth wise (focus). It also detects where the front lens of the camera is dirty. The information is presented graphically through green/red bars on the system’s touch screen HMI. The Camera Maintenance Manager also gives information about the temperature within the CPU rack and the status of the power supplies voltages.. This will ensure optimal performance and extend the life time of the equipment.
An upgraded GFM system minimise the risk of production interruptions.
Want to know more?
Fill out the form below and we'll get in touch.
Per Bäckström
Sales Engineer and Technical Expert
Per Andersson
Service Technician
Customer service – return of instruments
Bergsliden 1
SE-593 96 Västervik, Sweden